Consulting and advice

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You know that there are processes in your company that could be improved, but you don’t know what they are or how to do it.
There are surely technological improvements on the market that could help you obtain better levels of productivity.

Our consulting service is dedicated to advising you and managing the implementation of the product that your company needs to incorporate to streamline all those tasks that prevent you from being more efficient.

CILAN has fifty clients who fully trust our knowledge.

Each company is a small world. And that means that in many occasions the standard computer applications do not respond to the needs of a company, for many different reasons: for lack of flexibility, for being oversized, for carrying high costs (either acquisition or maintenance), or for not exist.

In these cases, the company may consider ordering a custom application, which in the ideal case will respond to both specific management needs and the available budget. Getting as close as possible to that ideal case will mainly depend on three factors:

– The experience and professionalism of whoever is going to design the tool

– How clear that you have what you need

– The fluid collaboration between whoever designs the tool and who has to use it: that is, the joint work of their staff and ours

On the other hand, and in an increasingly interconnected professional environment, you will also have to take into account the possibility that your customized applications can be used through networks, whether they are local or wide area, for example in different offices. . Today this is technologically possible and at moderate cost.

– Specialized advice

– Analysis and diagnosis of infrastructure situation at software and hardware level

– Productive computerization plans and database management